In Case You Were Wondering . . . AP US History Test May 8, 2015 . . . Get Ready!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Option A -- Bill Clinton

"Forget the Monica Lewinski debacle. She's irrelevant.  Clinton was a disaster for liberals and Democrats because he was a closet Republican and was a major cause of the wealth and income gap that exists today between the rich and middle- and low-income Americans. Voters now identify his economic policies that benefitted investors and the wealthy at the expense of workers . . . ." (Source:
a. Was Clinton a closet Republican?  Explain.
b. Provide ONE specific factual statistic to support your answer to (a).
c. Include the proper citation (web address is okay) of the source of your statistic in (a).
d. Explain how your specific factual statistic supports your answer to (a).
e. MAKE SURE YOUR STATISTIC is UNIQUE...NO TWO STUDENTS MAY HAVE THE SAME STAT...FIRST IN WINS!  If your comment is not posted by me after 24 hours, go to Plan B, and find another statistic(s)!
f. Most Importantly . . . put your first name on your comment so you get credit!

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