In Case You Were Wondering . . . AP US History Test May 8, 2015 . . . Get Ready!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Famous Political Commercials Homework

View this 1964 presidential campaign ad from the Lyndon Johnson campaign.  This political ad apparently only ran on TV one time, but was very effective in helping to paint Johnson's opponent, Barry Goldwater, as an extremist. 

Your homework (10 points) is to comment to this blog post (first name, last initial, class period) with the following by 11:59pm on Tuesday 4/12/11:
1) discuss (that means with explanation) whether you feel this ad is: A. effective, and B. fair 
2) discuss (that means with explanation) your feelings about negative political campaign ads in general
3) find another presidential (or congressional or state or foreign) political attack ad on YouTube that really gets to you (good or bad, funny or sad) and A. describe the ad (what year, what candidates, what issues), B. explain why it got to you, and C. give the YouTube URL so that others might enjoy it . . . keep it clean and unique!
Good Luck!

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