In Case You Were Wondering . . . AP US History Test May 8, 2015 . . . Get Ready!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Was Jefferson a Hindu? . . . of course not, but . . .

Suppose Thomas Jefferson had been a Hindu rather than a deist . . . as a scholar, he would have been a part of the highest caste, the Brahmans. Based on his deeds and words, would Thomas Jefferson have been reincarnated after his death on July 4, 1826 as a lower caste or life form (based on too many bad deeds or words), or would he have ascended to oneness with the universe/Supreme Being (based on his good deeds/words and his liberation from worldly desires)? In other words, do you think he would have been demoted and reborn as something like a fruit fly, or would he have been promoted and attained spiritual perfection, and not been reborn at all?
Support your answer with two (2) specific (names, dates, quotes, etc.) historical Jefferson quotes or deeds. Your support facts must be unique . . . choose well!
This is a 10 point assignment!  Post your answer in the comments to this post . . . first name, last initial, class period...due by 11/3/11 at 11:59pm.
Good Luck!


Joe C. 8th period said...

There is no way that Thomas Jefferson would be demoted from his high ranking if he was Hindu. Even though he most likely had an affair with his slaves and passed the hated embargo, he helped in the longrun form America to what it is today. For example, had it not been for Jefferson we would not have had the basis of the American government or the Declaration of Independence. He also helped getting the largest land purchase in American history in the Louisiana Purchase. Not only did he help America, he helped Indian people in the west by treating them peacefully overall. Jefferson also put into place the idea that two political parties could exist. The crushing blow to federalists had been softened by Jefferson not controlling too closely the government. He allowed many federalist ideas to remain in place, and this lead to the American political party system we have today. Overall, Jefferson was a great person and leader for America that set up a great future for a world superpower, and for the country we have today.

-American Pageant 12th edition

David E 8th Hour said...

I believe that Thomas Jefferson would have actually stayed in the same exact caste that he is already in. Thomas Jefferson did many great things for this country, and by many is considered to be the most important founding father. He was the writer of the Declaration of Independence, one of the most influential documents of its time period, period. Later in his life he became the First Secretary of State of the United States, making foreign policies and also setting the stage for all other Secretary of States to come. Although Thomas Jefferson was a great political leader in the US, his family life was not as great for him. His marriage was marred by an affair with his sister in law, the Heming girl. This affair and the subsequent cover up would lead to the smearing of his reputation while he was president. He never left any explanation regarding Ms Heming. This is why I believe that while Thomas Jefferson did some very valuable things for this country, he would stay at the same caste because of his affair.

Jehan S. 7th Period said...

If Thomas Jefferson were a Hindu, his life and deeds would have undoubtedly allowed him to achieve oneness with the universe. Issues regarding race may have demoted his character; however, it would ultimately be his accomplishments and major contributions to the US that would promote him to a higher life. He headed the writing of the Declaration of Independence, a document that began the ideas of democracy, freedom, and equality. He went on to establish the Statue of Virginia for religious freedom, giving complete freedom to choose religion to all people. Without these documents, society as we know it would not be the same; our freedoms would not be outlined, nor our government’s goal be to directly represent the people. Although he owned slaves, he showed his lack of racism through his total want to emancipate slaves, better their lives through their own consent, and eliminate slavery from Western territories. His presidency proved further the fact that his good deeds outweighed his minute amount of bad ones. After smoothly winning the election, he incorporated both Federalist and Republican ideals into his policies. In addition to helping equality in his own people, he fairly treated the Indians, allowing them to follow his decisions by their own terms. Overall, Jefferson was a figure deserving of oneness with the universe.

Lindsey G 7th Period said...

I believe that Thomas Jefferson wouldn’t be demoted or promoted. His good and bad acts balanced each other out. For example he wrote that he believed blacks to be inferior in both imagination and reasoning when compared to whites. However he also fought to keep the western territories from ever owning slaves while helping write up the Ordinance of 1784. It was also his idea to allow the territories to become fully fledged states after reaching a certain stage of growth. Then there was the affair with Sally Hemming. But again, he made up for it by letting her children go free. There was also an incident during the Revolutionary War when Jefferson was unable to defend Virginia and ran away. When he was the president however, he did build up the navy to fight the pirate states. This is why I think that Thomas Jefferson would stay in the Brahmans.

Brian M. said...

In a sense, I think that Thomas Jefferson should not be reincarnated as a lower form of life OR ascend into spiritual perfection. The good he did canceled out the awful deeds he committed. However, for the sake of this assignment I think that he would be reincarnated as a lower form of life.

Based on Hindu beliefs, for one to achieve the highest form of enlightenment, they must "be free from a cycle of ignorance, craving for continued existence, or holding a self-view" Which Jefferson obviously did not practice.

For example, his creation of a Navy during the First Barbary War proved that he was a hypocrite, as did his affair with an African slave after public hatred of blacks. In addition, he claimed to be a federalist, but still approved the Louisiana Purchase, which was unconstitutional. And the addition of more states disagreed with the ideals of Democratic-Republicans. This evidence proves that he was caught in a "cycle of ignorance"

Jefferson also held a "self-view", which would further hinder him from achieving the highest form of perfection. For one, being the highest authority figure in all of North America clearly meant that he had some degree of narcissism. Also, he openly demonstrated his authority over slaves and Indians with his idea of "civilization". Forcing natives into debt to remove them from land, narrowing their hunting grounds, limiting their growth, and destroying their culture show that he thought of himself as better than others.

As much as I would like to keep Jefferson in a form of Hindu-Limbo, if he had to be reincarnated, I would like to see him as an African Slave- Darma at work.


The American Pageant Textbook

Ben E. 8th peroid said...

I would not go as far as to say Thomas Jefferson deserves to be a fruit fly, but i believe that he should loose his high ranking opposition. According to the ideals of karma and samsara of Hinduism, the life will be judged on one's moral actions, wroks, and deeds. In the case of Thomas Jefferson I believe that he would be demoted in the cast system due to his moral actions. Thomas Jefferson is regarded as one of the Founding Fathers of this country as well as the main author of the Deceleration of Independence. I agree that what did for the start of the America was great, but many facts go unseen by people such as he owned, had an affair with a different women other than his wife, and others that could demote him as a moral person. Thomas Jefferson was the most prominate slave holder in Virginia at that time. For a man that wrote one of the most prestigous documents for America that garanteed life liberty and pursuit of happiness to all. His actions with his slaves rebuks what he founded the Revolution on. This makes his morals lack in quality. After the acquisition of the Louisiana territory and Louis and Clark Expidition in about 1803 Thomas Jefferson had the dream of an aigurcultural economy for America. This idea lead to westward expansion. With natives in the way he had a to find a way to deal with them. He started the "Cilivization Program". He hoped to convert them to European lifestyles. The land belonged to the Natives as long as they wanted it but this program helped to accelerate the process. Jefferson passed the Embargo Act in 1807 failed causing the nation great turmoil. This would later create the War of 1812. With bloodshed under his Presidential term his moral status depreciates once again. Not only was he had a war, with the Louisana Purchas help fun the French Revolution and wars they were in, anthor reason why Jefferson should not achive nirvana, hindu heaven, or stay in the same caste. Rather, he should be demoted in life to return as a poor man or some form of animal or bird.

Thomas Jefferson packet received in class.

Daniel S. 7th Period said...

I believe that Thomas Jefferson’s good and bad actions would effectively cancel each other, meaning that he would stay in the same social caste. To pick one however, I think it more likely that he would drop in the ranking, because I believe that his foolish and hypocritical actions overshadow the successes he did have.

Despite certain failures, he certainly played a major role in the affairs of the young United States. He removed unfair laws like the Alien and Sedition Acts, and successfully lowered taxes while keeping the economy in control. In fact, he was able to lower the nation’s debt by one-third. He also stopped the pirating of American ships by Barbary Pirates with his newly created navy. The Louisiana Purchase, giving the nation room to expand, also ranks among his greatest achievements.

On the other hand, Jefferson had many faults. He was extremely hypocritical, as he professed that the black slaves should be freed, although he himself was a slaveowner, had illegitimate children with one of his black slaves, and was publicly racist. The navy he created, although helpful to the nation, was against the ideals he had promoted while running for president, and as a major part of his Democratic-Republican Party. In a similar manner, the Louisiana Purchase was technically unconstitutional, a fact he ignored when buying it from Napoleon. He also then went to measures to remove the Native Americans, such as trying to force them into debt so that they had no choice but to give up their land. The embargo which he later created was also a complete failure, and was unsuccessful in keeping America out of the wars of the British and the French.

Although he helped the young United States to continue to grow with some major achievements, I believe that, overall, he would have to fall in the Hindu social caste due to some of the bad karma he earned with hypocritical and unsuccessful actions throughout his life.

Andrew Z 8th Period said...

It's obvious that Jefferson would not have attained spiritual perfection, given his many screw ups and failures as a leader. However, it is also safe to say that he could also keep his current ranking if he were Hindu. He treated the American standard with respect; in 1779 he wrote a bill describing religious freedom that later ended up setting the Bill of Rights in place, as well as abolishing the system of primogeniture in 1785. These two accomplishments led to a nation much closer to it's original intention.

However, Jefferson had been prone to mistakes and issues. The Embargo Act was an accidental failure that came from blind ambition to thrust America onto the world stage as a serious power. Instead of making France and Britain realize that America was a powerful nation, it only ended up causing tension and eventually the war of 1812. This, among other scandals or completely misguided decisions, showed that Jefferson was not quite perfect.

1- Packet for Good/Evil Jefferson assignment

2- The American Pageant.

Jack K. 8th period said...

I think that Thomas Jefferson would have been reborn into the same caste if not lower if he was a Hindu. He had many shortcomings throughout his life, both politically and morally. A prime example of this was his failure to defend Richmond (the town he was governor of) from British attack in 1780. Even though the defense would have probably been futile, he fled the city quite early showing cowardice. His bad deeds are basically canceled out, in my opinion, by his overall good deeds that helped shape the U.S.'s history. He wanted to emancipate all slaves by 1800 and send them back to Africa to live as free men and women. Even though this was quite hypocritical considering he publicly said blacks were inferior, it demonstrated his good morals. Therefore, I believe that he would be reincarnated into the same caste.

Source: Good/Evil Jefferson packet

Alyssa P 8th Hour said...

I believe that Thomas Jefferson would not have ascended into spiritual oneness with the universe, but would neither have been demoted to a fruit fly, rather staying in the caste of the Brahmans. This is because though many of his actions could be considered negative in others eyes, it seems to me he was always trying to do what he thought was best for America. For example, when faced with what to do about the Native Americans living in the Louisiana Purchase, he “suggested that if the various Indian nations could be encouraged to purchase goods on credit, they would likely fall into debt, which they could relieve through the sale of the lands to the government” (Monticello Article). Was that trickery? Yes! Is it morally wrong to trick people like that? Yes! But with the country itching to move west, the alternative was to send out troops and slaughter the Native Americans. His intentions were to get where he needed to go with the least amount of damage. And when he made the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, he overextended his constitutional powers by buying it, and he knew this. By his own moral standards, it was wrong to disobey the Constitution and use more governmental power than you are given. But he did it anyway, because he thought that the purchase of that land would be the best thing for America (American Pageant). So it would seem that his actions would make him a fruit fly, and his intentions would promote him to oneness. I don’t think that I have the right to decide which is more important, so I would keep him in the Brahmans.

Abby H. 8th Hour said...

I see both sides...Therefore I do agree with everyone that he would probably maintain his same caste position. For this assignment though, I'll say he would probably be demoted down to a lower caste. Jefferson was generally a pretty flippant and indecisive president. We see this firstly in his situation with the Embarago Act, Non-Intercourse Act, and Macon's Bill No. 2. If he knew what he was doing and really had a grip on the situation, he wouldn't have needed to correct himself not once- but TWO times. We can further see Jefferson's weak presidential presence in the case of the Louisiana Purchase. Jefferson deemed the entire ordeal unconstituional, yet followed through with it. Not acting on what you believe in, and doing something regardless of the fact that you think it is not only wrong, but also unconstitutional...I'd say that makes a pretty weak president. The main reason I think Jefferson should've been demoted, however, involves the Declaration of Independence. What most people don't know is that much of this document was simply copied from George Mason's draft of the Virginia Declaration of Rights and then put into fancier words by Jefferson. Direct, specific phrases from this document are seen in "Jefferson's" Declaration of Independence. Further, Mason's declaration was heavily influenced by the 1689 English Declaration of Rights, which ended the reign of King James II. So pretty much it was like Jefferson copied someone else's homework, who copied another person's homework- Meaning he did little to nothing. For these reasons I believe he would be demoted to a lower caste.
1. The Jefferson Debate Info Packet

Mike H 8th period said...

Thomas Jefferson would be promoted to the highest level of Hinduism when reincarnated. He was the chief writer of one of the most important documents in hisory, the Declaration of Independance. Without Jefferson, this important document would not have been created. Also, The University of Virginia, one of the best public universities in the country, was founded by Jefferson in 1819. Jefferson also purchased the Louisiana territory in 1803, doubling the countries size for just 3 cents an acre. Not only was Jefferson a successful and powerful diplomat, but also he was a supporter of public education in his home state of Virgina. For these reasons, Thomas Jefferson would achieve eternal happiness after his death.


Katelin C. 7th hour said...

If Thomas Jefferson had been a Hindu I believe that he would have been demoted to a lower caste than that of the Brahman. While he had many great accomplishments, I believe his shortcomings outweigh them. Many people above me have said that his missteps were solely personal and that they shouldn't affect how people view him politically. But that's kind of like saying "well he was a part of the KKK, but that doesn't matter! He was a great leader!" Presidents set the standard of what is okay. Jefferson was the primary writer of the Declaration of Independence, and yet was against the total freedom of the blacks. He ran from Virginia while he was the governor when they needed to be protected. Although this is unfair, presidents must be held in a higher regard than ordinary people. He should have pushed himself to be better than he was. Instead, he wasn't there when his country needed him the most (when we were being pushed around by the British and French). I don't think he should be demoted to a fruitfly, but maybe a civilian so he could understand the effect of the decisions made in Washington.

Jeffy good vs. evil worksheet

Hank P. 8th Hour said...

Despite all the good that Thomas Jefferson propagated throughout his term as not only President of the United States but as a leader in the American revolutionary cause, I am under the impression that Jefferson would be flung to the lower class of a fruit fly. One cannot dispute the many good things that Jefferson did for the infant government and country of the United States at the time, the Embargo Act, Constitution and Declaration of Independence being examples of such. Nonetheless, we are inspecting Jefferson as an overall person, not as a political leader, to determine his worthiness of being promoted or demoted. Outweighing his “good deeds,” in my eyes is his relationship with Sally Hemmings. The fact is, he had the affair with Sally, plain and simple—it’s been proven (and used as a fact in other posts)! Yet, despite his foul actions, it goes beyond the simple fact of having an affair. Mainly, Jefferson never admitted his relationship, not taking responsibility for his actions. A man of character, much like Thomas Jefferson was seen being in other facets, would have stood up and done what was right—tell the truth. Rather, Jefferson concealed the fact or vehemently denied it, thus becoming a liar, hypocrite and a man with out morals. Too, even after he was “called out” as a result of his actions, he never came out like a man and set the matter to rest, rather he continued on his relationship with Sally Hemmings, hoping it would just go away. Juxtaposed with the fact of Hinduism where it is stated, “Your present thoughts, decisions, and actions determine your future states. ("Unsettled state" = "bad karma."). Karma can be altered through natural and moral decision and action,” it can be inferred that Jefferson could’ve taken the “right route” of morals and values, but yet took the wrong route, thereby sealing his fate as a fruit fly.

American Pageant (Textbook)

Kate F., 7th hour said...

I think that Thomas Jefferson would have been demoted into a lower caste if he were a Hindu. Although he was an excellent politician, one cannot overlook his manly morally deplorable actions throughout his lifetime. For example,there is evidence that he had a relationship with one of his salves, Sally Hemings. What's worse is that he had children with her that he did not recognize. The historical evidence that leads many to believe that Thomas Jefferson had a relationship with Sally Hemings was that
Jefferson and his wife,Martha Jefferson,had no male children but there is evidence in DNA to suggest that he had male children with Sally Hemings.I find it quite hypocritical that he was publicly outspoken against blacks yet went so far in his private life as to have a relationship with a slave of his.

Caleb W 7th Period said...

Thomas Jefferson would be Reincarnated as a "lesser" creature on this earth for a few reasons. One, he was a racist; which goes against the very beliefs of Hinduism. In addition to him being a racist, he was not the most morally straight, he had a affair with one of his many slave women. After this affair he did not recognize his kids and never freed his mistress, who is speculated to have been loved more then his wife. Over all Thomas Jefferson did not follow the basic laws are foundation of Hinduism which is to be a morally straight person and to treat other with respect and to have good karma.

Greg R. 7th Period said...

If anyone from Thomas Jefferson's time deserved to achieve oneness with the universe, it is him. Despite being a wealthy planter and influential politician, he still worked tirelessly to help people throughout the colonies, and later, the United States. As the writer and leading figure behind the Declaration of Independence in 1776, Jefferson was instrumental in creating a democratic republic in America. Politically, Jefferson supported giving full statehood to western territories, extending freedom to thousands more people through the Northwest Ordinance of 1787. Therefore, I believe that despite his racist tendencies, Thomas Jefferson was the best person he could be for the time period in which he lived and should be "promoted" to oneness with the universe.

Ian M. 8th Period said...

If Thomas Jefferson were Hindu he would certainly achieve the highest rankings. He was a very important figure in society and very often looked up to as a leader. Sure, we may have to overlook such things at the Hemings affair and the Embargo Act, but all in all, he was a victory for his country in many ways. He helped remove such unfair laws as the Alien and Sedition Acts and eventually went on to become the first Secretary of State and then the 3rd president of the United States. As president, he succeeded in purchasing the Louisiana Territory, which doubled the country in size and secured a powerful Navy by being forced into battle with Tripoli. He was, in facet, a great leader and a prime representation of the solid leader the young country needed.

Taylor A. 8th said...

In my opinion, Thomas Jefferson would be reincarnated because of his moral and personal hypocrisy. Based on his political inconsistency and racial discrimination, he was far from worthy to have lived at home among the Gods. In the area of the Constitution, he did establish the idea of separation between church and state, but only because he himself did not believe in God. He even objected to the phrase “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance and worked unsuccessfully to have it omitted. He also used unfair and manipulative tactics against the peaceful natives by pretending to befriend them in times of peace by trading heavily with them, then turning against them in times of war. By purposefully driving them into debt and mercilessly wiping them out, Thomas Jefferson believed he could do away with their “savage and nomadic” customs, and eventually take their land right out from under them. He once said to his Secretary of War, Henry Dearborn, “If we are constrained to lift the hatchet against any tribe, we will never lay it down until that tribe is exterminated, or driven beyond the Mississipi.” And finally, in one of the biggest historical scandals, the idea of Thomas Jefferson believing in and supporting the ideas of slavery and black inferiority, when he himself came to be the suspected father to many of his slaves, through his mistress, Sally Hemmings. He treated the black race as if they were an infectious disease to be returned (for the sake of “American purification”) to their homeland of Africa, or as property to buy, sell, and give as gifts to relatives, which often resulted in black families separating, beginning with children as young as ten years old. Thomas Jefferson was a brilliant political mind, yes, but was so morally in the wrong and deceitfully demeaning that there is no way he could have been reincarnated as anything higher than a fruit fly.

Beata K 8th Period said...

Thomas Jefferson was the author of the Declaration of Independence and was a liberal fighter for religious freedom. That being said, he was also an immoral sneak who betrayed his word and tricked others into getting what he wanted. Selfishness and lying? In the eyes of a Hindu, he would most definately not acieve spiritual oneness. In fact, a fruit fly may be too high of a caste for him to inhabit. Had Thomas Jefferson been a Hindu, his actions whould have demoted him. Thomas Jefferson always supported the equality of all men. He was a firm believer that all men, no matter what rank, are created equal. What he failed to mention was that he excluded all African Americans from this group. Just as loudly as Thomas Jefferson was screaming "Equality!" he was also saying "Send the African Americans back to Africa!" It is fair to say that had Jefferson seen the African Americans as being equal to whites, there would be no need to send them back to the horrible conditions in Africa. He also owned slaves on the Monticello Plantation and was strongly against inter race mixing. If Jefferson believed in equality, he would have seen the blacks as having the same rights that we do. But Jefferson did not just stop with this lie, he was also very deceptive at getting what he wanted. With the Louisiana Territory being purchased, Jefferson knew that he would run into more land issues with the Native Americans. But Jefferson said that by no circumstances would he forcably take land from the Indians. Instead he had a more insidious agenda. He wanted to trade with the Indians until they were so far in debt to him that they would have no choice but to give up their land to him. It is this type of trickery that would give Jefferson a one way ticket to fruit fly. Yes he was an amazing Politician, but in the eyes of a Hindu, that would make no difference and the moral of Jefferson was not a good one.

Good vs. Evil Packet

Thomas P. 7th Period said...

I believe that Thomas Jefferson would have ascended to oneness with the universe based on his many good deeds. Jefferson may have committed some foolish mistakes in his career, however I believe that his successes were what defined him in the end. He was the author of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, which stated his views on the separation of church and state as well as the freedom of conscience. He was a firm believer in letting people decide their own religion, and he was an influential person in the disestablishment of the Anglican Church in Virginia. I do not believe this is a selfish act; he was writing this with the people in mind. Also, during his second term of presidency, Jefferson received the approval of Congress and made the importation of black slaves illegal, which ended the transatlantic slave trade. This was a bold move in a time where agriculture depended on the use of slaves. Overall, I believe that Thomas Jefferson will be remembered for his achievements and therefore would have ascended to oneness with the universe.

Iavor B 8th period said...

Thomas Jefferson would have achieved "oneness." Yes, he did bad things, but I believe his great deeds outweigh his shortcommings. To begin, his greatest personal shortcoming would be that he may have had an affair with one of his personal slaves, and then had a child who he then also had them work as a slave. People tend to look at the negative side of things too much, but compared to what he did for America, I think that it's not that important. I do admit that it's ironic that he later fought for the freedom of slaves, even though he may have had an affair with one, only to treat their child as a slave as well. One political drawback to Jefferson would be the Embargo Act. He was too sure of Britain's and Napoleon's situation with America.

Even so, Jefferson has some very great reputation. He struck a deal with the French with the Louisiana Purchase, for $15million (3 cents an acre!). He had peaceful intentions with the indian tribes when he sent Lewis and Clark on their great expedition. Also, one major fact that should not be overlooked was that he signed the Constitution! If it hadn't been for him, there could have been an entirely different America! But 'nough said, you get the picture with that one. To conclude, Jefferson would have achieved oneness had he been Hindu.

Source: The American Pageant

Daniel V. 8th Hour said...

If Thomas Jefferson were a Hindu, I believe he would be demoted when reincarnated. I do not think that he would be demoted very far though due to the positive effects he had on the United States. The way I think of it is comparing him to a criminal who has committed a terrible crime then given the police information on other criminals, therefore, reducing his sentences because of his cooperation. Thomas Jefferson made some of the most vital contributions to the United States, but that doesn't dispute the fact that he was a two faced, when against what he said, and was immoral in some ways. His biggest contribution to the independence of the United States, was writing the Declaration of Independence which was the official document separating the colonies from Britain. This document is one of the most important documents in history and helped the colonists attain rights to liberty and a democracy. Although he did some great things, he had a larger impact negatively on the world, in my opinion. Alexander Hamilton was his rival and wanted a strong central government, along with a bank of the United States. Jefferson tried to persuade President Washington to veto this bill, which he later regretted because he knew it was the right thing for the country. Along with this he passed the very unsuccessful Embargo Act. It denied trade with any foreign countries which lead to a declining economy due to dependence on Britain and France in trade.

Washington Good/Evil Packet

Hannah B, 8th period said...

It is true that our the founding fathers of America are put on a high pedestal. We often forget that they too are humans, capable of mistakes, just as we are. With that said, Jefferson had both honorable (there is no denying it) and dishonorable (there is also no denying it) acts. There are several key beliefs in Hinduism. They believe in karma-marga which can be described as following your "task in life". After being Secretary of State Jefferson returned home to his family, where he was happiest. When the country called on him to be president he answered, saying that he felt it was what he was meant to do in his life. Respect to others and their religions is another important belief. Separation of church and state streamed from Jefferson. He wanted the two things to be completely apart, this way no man felt pressured to be one thing or another. No one religion was better than the other. Not to mention when sending Louis and Clark on their Expedition he intended them to be peaceful with all they encountered. There is also a transcendentalist aspect to Hinduism. Jefferson was happiest in his years at home, out of politics. He enjoyed a good book and his family, the simpler things in life. Based on these aspects of Jefferson’s life if he were to be reincarnated he would achieve oneness with nature.

Patrick O 8th said...

I believe that Thomas Jefferson was an excellent presedent of the United States. Jefferson was responsible for writing the Decleration of Independance as well as being a hard working man who eventually became a great Presedent .Although, i do not believe he fulfilled his dharma. Considering that he was already in the highest caste he would have had to be almost perfect to be rencarnated into a higher caste, and ALthough i do believe he was a good man he still had many flaws, for example his affair with Sally Hemings as well as his racist views. Also he showed his greedy side while he tricked the native americans into selling him there land. Therefore Jeffersons action seen through the eyes of a Hindu were not perfect thus he should be reincarnated into a lower caste.

Daniel B 7th Period said...

The accomplishments of Thomas Jefferson's political career may have been great, and he did a lot to help the infant nation grow into the shape it is in now, but this cannot overshadow his many moral shortcomings and if reincarnated, he would most certainly be in a lower caste. Assuming that he did father a child with Sally Hemmings (which, considering the large amount of evidence pointing in this direction isn't a big leap of faith), he is a huge hypocrite considering all his talk against racial mixing. This hypocrisy alone would earn him a position in a lower caste, but this isn't all that is going against Jefferson, he was also a weak and ineffectual ruler who constantly changed his stance in a sad attempt to keep people happy. Take, for example, the Louisiana Purchase. Everything that the Jefferson who was elected to office stood for was contradicted three years later, when he bought the giant Louisiana Territory despite him believing in a strict interpretation of the Constitution. He even believed that the purchase was unconstitutional, but he still bought the land in order to satisfy the public. The political advances Jefferson made could not change the fact that he was a weak hypocrite who did anything no matter how wrong it felt to him in order to keep people happy, undoubtedly earning himself a position in a lower class in the next life.

Curtis G 7th said...

Had Thomas Jefferson been a Hindu, I do not believe he would have been reincarnated as something less than himself. While I do not agree with him that everything he did was right, but everyone makes mistakes. In order to run the nation effectively, he had to give up some of his ideals, such as not building a navy. This shows that he was willing to sacrifice a part of himself for the betterment of the nation. Thomas Jefferson also agreed to the Louisiana Purchase, which may have been unconstitutional but overall helped the United States to expand. In this expansion, Thomas wanted to facilitate trade with the Indians and not force them to give up their lands through coersion, an admirable goal. He helped show that a party system was a viable way to run the Government and he showed how to effectively run the country at the cost of personal beliefs.


Parker T. 8th Hour said...

I believe that Thomas Jefferson does not deserve to attain Moksha nor keep his status as a Brahman. However, I think he deserves to be a middle class American. This is because Jefferson had many great ideas, it was just that sometimes those ideas weren’t always executed or shared properly. First, in response to Shay’s Rebellion, Thomas Jefferson states, “What signify a few lives lost in a century or two?” Obviously, Jefferson was not happy that these people died, but the fact that he goes about the event so nonchalantly is certainly cause for concern. Another blunder that he made was when he was writing the Declaration of Independence. In it, he used the word “subjects” to describe the independent Americans. Even though he didn’t want America to become a monarchy like Britain, it sure sounds awfully like a monarchy when he says subjects. Fortunately, the word was replaced by “citizens”, which has a more democratic vibe to it. It is unfortunate however, to see such a brilliant mind make such silly mistakes. This is why I believe that Jefferson should be demoted but not much.

Tina K 7th Period said...

It's a good thing Jefferson was not a Hindu, in my opinion, because he would be lucky to land as a Sudra or an untouchable. His incredibly hypocritical actions were despicable, and should not be in any way an endorsement to what a good president should be. As a leader, he was completely incapable of sticking with anything he had originally said or viewed and changed his opinions out of cowardice to please the general public. True, as a leader of a democratic nation, Jefferson was elected to be a reflection of the people, but as his duty as president of the united states, he also had to realize that he was elected for his views. A state of people can be thrown into thinking a certain decision just because of a pamphlet that was printed at the time. Instead of just agreeing with it, he should have fought for what he believed in and convinced the people that he knew what he was doing. You can't be a leader if you're a follower, and unless Jefferson really was such an empty shell that he had no opinions on anything, he sure enough had the ability to change enough views. What happened to the fiery, bull headed Jefferson back when Hamilton was in the picture? Because he defeated the Federalists, did he just assume that any ideas floating around belonged to the party he was in? There was so much confusion about what a Republican Democratic person was (based on Jefferson's example) that many of them had strong and different views about one topic.

Jefferson also was despicable in his views on race. Publicly, Jefferson was a racist. He often slandered blacks saying they were inferior and that they even carried a foul odor, but yet on his own farm, he had fathered many children to the supposed "horrid beasts", and even had countless relations with a slave by the name of Sally Hemmings. At the same time, however, Jefferson preached the evils of slavery and tried to eliminate it from the new territories. Little did he act on the old, however. And even still, he pushed for their rights but offering to educate them in schools, something completely new for the era. Of course, they still had to be far, far away from everyone else.

This wish washy attitude of his, along with his hypocritical views and inability to think for himself, made Jefferson a horrible president. Sure,he had his moments, but didn't all presidents have something within a span of four years that can be considered a "good thing"? It is four years, something in the government is bound to happen that is note worthy, and half the time the president doesn't even have anything to do with the decision that was made, despite the credit they get for it.

Long story short, no, Jefferson should not be promoted. He shouldn't even be recognized.


Saint/ Devil Packet

Gunnar H. 8th period said...

Thomas Jefferson would definitely be demoted after his death if he was a Hindu. He was truly a man of hypocrisy in nearly everything he "accomplished" during his lifetime/presidency.

Thomas Jefferson was the third president of the United States. Although this title should only be given to someone who is entirely devoted to his or her country, Jefferson was not. He still had "feelings" for Britain and even originally wrote of the "voluntary allegiance of colonists to the crown" in the original declaration of independence.

Thomas Jefferson was highly opposed to racial mixing. He felt that the idea of race mixing was "dangerous" and should never take place. Despite this, Jefferson had an affair with one of his slaves and never admitted to it. His hypocritical actions suggest that Jefferson did not even abide by his own moral code.

While trying to acquire more land, Thomas Jefferson tricked many Native Americans into buying from the government on credit. This caused the Indians to fall into extremely deep debt and they were forced to give up their land to the government. Along with trickery, Jefferson also signed off on the UNCONSTITUTIONAL Louisiana Purchase.

Thomas Jefferson was a hypocrite and was not loyal to the country he swore to protect under oath. This is why Jefferson would have been demoted after his death in 1826 had he have been a Hindu.

Patrick K 8th hour said...

Although Thomas Jefferson did a lot of good throughout his lifetime I believe that he would not have attained spiritual attainment. To be promoted on the Hindu religion you have to do what is right all the time. Some of the things Jefferson did were good, but some were very evil. For example Jefferson was talking about the Indians land and said, “…The lands were theirs as long as they wished…” However he was very sneaky and tried to get Native Americans to buy things on credit so they would fall into debt. Once the Indians were in debt Jefferson would take their land from them even when he said they could keep it as long as they desired. By doing this Jefferson was able to acquire tons of land and help Westward expansion. This act was cruel and was not following Jefferson dharma. In fact he did not let go of worldly desires which is another thing that would count against Jefferson. I do not think Jefferson would have moved up to spiritual attainment.

Brandon S. 7th said...

If Thomas Jefferson followed the Hindu religion, I believe that he would have remained in the exact same caste that he was in before dying. The only way this would happen if his good and bad deeds weighed out, leaving him in the same position that he started in. For helping create the Declaration of Independence and developing the constitution of the United States, he helped create the basis infrastructure of what our country was during his time through present day America. Without his ideas about these two important documents, we might not have the same ammendments/laws that keep our country up and running today. With most positives, comes a negative. Jefferson's hypocracy during his presidency sort of made him a bad person. Jefferson, in public, had said that he saw the black race as a lesser being than whites, even though he was the person who said, "All men are created equal". Also, there is strong evidence showing that Thomas Jefferson had sexual relations with one of his slaves, Sally Hemmings. Even though he hated the black race... there are rumors/evidence showing he had kids with her? That is 100% hypocritcal to what he lives by. Only judging by these two acts by Jefferson, the positive and negative would cancel out, making Jefferson not get demoted from his high ranking if he was a Hindu.

Source: Class Notes, Sally Hemmings Notes, Thomas Jefferson Family Tree in Outline