In Case You Were Wondering . . . AP US History Test May 8, 2015 . . . Get Ready!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Great Depression Solutions

What do you think . . . what should the government have done about the Great Depression?  CLICK HERE to share your survey thoughts!  
Why would you want to do this:  To have your voice heard (and for the 5 easy points!)
By when should you complete this:  Wednesday 3/7/12 at 11:59pm
Good luck!


Mael said...

Send Zuckerburg back in time to invent facebook as a government property in 1930. BAM!
Cash in.

Cody H. said...


Create a government entity that creates a propoganda campaign to destroy the idea that a depression was going on.

Mellory said...

Send Michael Crichton back in time to retrieve real Dino DNA.
Open an amusement park on Coney Island.
Charge outrageous amounts to foreigners. Re-distrubte money to the rest of America.

When Dino upkeep becomes a problem, drop crazed and unrestrained dinosaurs into the homes of Japanese high officials.

Mallanie said...

Print lots of money.
Pretend Mrs. Huff didn't teach us about hyperinflation

Cody said...

Send Inspector Gadget to help. I'm not really sure what he would do but he has a gadget for every problem.

Mr. H. said...

You are all out of control . . . all of you (except for that part about sending Zuckerberg to the past with his Facebook idea . . . maybe it would have finally died out by now . . .).