In Case You Were Wondering . . . AP US History Test May 8, 2015 . . . Get Ready!

Monday, April 2, 2012

HUAC vs. the Hollywood Ten . . . HUAC 10, Hollywood Ten 0?; McCarthy vs. the Army, 1954 . . . Army legal counsel 1, McCarthy 0?

Just to get you in the mood for your homework (see previous post below!) . . .

This first clip is a BBC documentary on the Hollywood Ten (HUAC vs. Hollywood Ten hearings footage begins at around 1:20).

This second clip is an edited exchange between legal counsel for the army Joseph Welch and Senator Joe McCarthy (R-Wisconsin) on June 9, 1954 during the height of the Second Red Scare.

This is credited by many as the moment where McCarthy began to lose his power and influence, as the hearings were broadcast on TV (this was day 30 of the hearings), and people got to see how McCarthy behaved while accusing Fred Fisher, one the young lawyer's at Welch's law firm, of being a part of the National Lawyer's Guild (a group J. Edgar Hoover had sought to label as a communist-front group) while Fisher had been in law school . . . enjoy (it starts getting good around the 2:30 minute mark).

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