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In Case You Were Wondering . . . AP US History Test May 8, 2015 . . . Get Ready!
Option A -- Bill Clinton
"Forget the Monica Lewinski debacle. She's irrelevant. Clinton was a disaster for liberals and Democrats because he was a closet Republican and was a major cause of the wealth and income gap that exists today between the rich and middle- and low-income Americans. Voters now identify his economic policies that benefitted investors and the wealthy at the expense of workers . . . ." (Source:
a. Was Clinton a closet Republican? Explain.
b. Provide ONE specific factual statistic to support your answer to (a).
c. Include the proper citation (web address is okay) of the source of your statistic in (a).
d. Explain how your specific factual statistic supports your answer to (a).
f. Most Importantly . . . put your first name, last initial, and class period on your comment so you get credit!
a) Clinton was not a closet Republican, because he raised the taxes on the rich while keeping taxes on the poor the same or less. Raising taxes on the rich is generally a Democratic 'thing'.
b) Taxes on the highest earning 20% of tax payers were increased during his term; more significantly for th 1% and .01%
c) (3rd graph down)
d) This graph supports my answer to (a) because it shows that the taxes were raised on the top income earners (the rich) and kept roughly the same on everyone else, which is a Democratic 'thing' in most cases.
a) Bill Clinton was not a closet Republican. The Republicans have a history of being very against illegal immigrants and them being allowed citizenship even if they cannot speak English. President Clinton, however, was more leaniant on the immigrants who knew little English.
b) Clinton signed Exectutive Order 13166, which made it legal for government communications and services to be available in other languages besides English.
d) The order that Clinton signed provides evidence that he was not a Republican because Republicans would not make it so accomodating for United States Citizens who do not know English. For a Republican, part of becoming a citizen is learning the national language of the country, and Clinton was willing to let some things slide.
a) Clinton was not a closet Republican. This is because nearly all of his legislation was Democrat-based from welfare reform to gun restriction.
b)Clinton signed the Welfare Reform Bill into law in 1996.
d)This legislation was something that no Republican (even a closet Republican) would do. Welfare was a no-no which was proven by Reagan.
A. I do not believe he was a closet republican, but rather more of a blue dog democrat. This can seen in his support for pro-FDR style economic laws.
B. Clinton signed the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 in August of that year, which passed Congress without a Republican vote. It cut taxes for fifteen million low-income families, made tax cuts available to 90% of small businesses,and raised taxes on the wealthiest 1.2% of taxpayers.
D. The idea of reganomics, or exactly the opposite of what Clinton did, is the reason why he is not a republican. His economic policy was obviously liberal and certainly not conservative.
a) Clinton was not a closet republican because he supported minorities and women
b) He Passed legislature that put programs into effect to help minorities and women in the work force.
d) this supports my answer to question a, because it shows that he used democratic ideas to help groups that republicans steer away from.
a) I do not think that Clinton was a closet Republican. His views were quite liberal and he aspired for his presidential policies to be similar to that of FDR's New Deal, a notoriously liberal political doctrine.Many modern-day Republicans, most notably Ronald Reagan, are less for big government and negatively brand the government as a "nanny state" when they pass laws that regard social issues. Clinton was a huge advocate for gun control, something Republicans might not be as crazy about.
b) The Federal Assault Weapons Ban was passed by Congress under the Clinton administration on September 13,1994.
d)This would be something that Republicans would see as a violation of personal freedoms and the second amendment because it outright bans the manufacture of certain semi-automatic firearms. Democrats, on the other hand, would love this because it attempts to take control of a serious social problem in our society.
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