Richard Milhous Nixon, as president, did some amazing things...amazingly good and amazingly bad . . .
a. Should history be kind to Nixon and elevate him to the level he deserves, or will history be unkind to Nixon and dump him on the ash heap of history where he belongs? Explain.
b. Provide ONE specific factual statistic to support your answer to (a).
c. Include the proper citation (web address is okay) of the source of your statistic in (a).
e. Most Importantly . . . put your first name, last name, and class period on your comment so you get credit!
a. I believe that Nixon will be forever looked down on as a President because of the Watergate scandal. I look at it this way, when you are building a house of cards you need to do a lot of good things to build it up, but all it takes is the misplacement of one card and everything you have done goes to waste. Watergate really did Nixon in, and put a shame to his presidency. If Nixon did not resign it would have been likely that he would have been impeached, which is a great dishonor. Trying to cover up Watergate was an event that American people will have a hard time forgiving.
b. Gallup poll about presidential greatness, taken February 2–5, 2011, asked 1015 adults in the US, "Who do you regard as the greatest United States president?"
c. Ronald Reagan (19%)
d. Abraham Lincoln (14%)
e. Bill Clinton (13%)
f. John F. Kennedy (11%)
g. George Washington (10%)
h. Franklin Roosevelt (8%)
i. Barack Obama (5%)
j. No opinion (5%)
k. Theodore Roosevelt (3%)
l. Harry Truman (3%)
m. George W. Bush (2%)
n. Thomas Jefferson (2%)
o. Jimmy Carter (1%)
p. Dwight Eisenhower (1%)
q. George H. W. Bush (1%)
r. Other(1%)
s. None (1%)
t. Andrew Jackson (0%)
u. Lyndon Johnson (0%)
v. Richard Nixon (0%)
c. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_rankings_of_Presidents_of_the_United_States
a. I believe that Richard Nixon should forever remain on the trash heap of history, since he did many inexcusable things as president, going far beyond the Watergate scandal. While other presidents may have also had slush funds and engaged in other such illegal activities, that gives no excuse for the next president to continue the practice. For a president to act in such a way is terrible, and I believe that Nixon deserves the accusations and anger directed towards him.
b. Nixon’s first term approval ratings, at 55.8%, plummeted during his second term as news of the Watergate scandal was released, dropping to 34.4%.
c. http://www.gallup.com/poll/116677/presidential-approval-ratings-gallup-historical-statistics-trends.aspx
a) In my opinion, history should be kind to him because besides the Watergate scandal, he was a good president. He is for sure not the first president to have done something like this, but he was the first president to get caught doing it. We should forget about the negative, since the effects of the Watergate scandal taught us a lesson, but we should remember him for the positives he made, like his commitment to the United States getting out of the Vietnam War, helping civil rights, and helping ease threats of communism.
b) Nixon was the best integrating president. He reduced the amount of black children attending
black school by 70% as president.
I believe that Nizon will always been looked down upon as a president of the USA becuase of the corruption that the Watergate scandal brought. After Watergate went public many people lost faith in the federal government for being leaders for the people. Gerald Ford lost the election because he was to much "like Nixon".
B) In addition to the pardon dispute and lingering anti-Republican sentiment, Ford had to counter a plethora of negative media imagery. Chevy Chase often did pratfalls on Saturday Night Live, imitating Ford, who had been seen stumbling on two occasions during his term. As Chase commented, "He even mentioned in his own autobiography it had an effect over a period of time that affected the election to some degree." This shows how disgusted the American people were with Ford when he pardoned Nixon.
A. I believe that Nixon does not deserve to be viewed as badly as he is. Sure he made some mistakes but I am positive there have been worse things done in the presidency that the public did not end up knowing about. He was a good leader who would go to any lengths to win. I don't believe that he needed to have the whole Watergate break-in to win, I believe that the people liked him enough as he was. I also believe he should not have tried to cover up Watergate but the past is the past, I say we forgive him.
B. Had people not been so obsessed with Watergate, they might have been able to see what he really did. The people wanted an end to the fighting in Vietnam, so he brought an end to US involvement in the conflict. Nixon also succeeded in improving US and USSR relations, possibly helping to avoid a nuclear fallout.
C. http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/richardnixon
1. I believe that history should be kind to Nixon. He made great strides in Cold War foreign policy, that was overshadowed when Carter messed up with Iran and when Reagan basically restarted the Cold War. History probably will not be kind to him, because of all the pop culture surrounding the Watergate scandal (every scandal from now on has the suffix of "gate").
2. In the film Frost/Nixon, the interviewer David Frost bases his entire interview around trying to get Nixon to admit that he was in wrong doing in the Watergate scandal. This being his only focus, he eventually succeeds and Nixon has a breakdown on camera.
a) History will throw him in the trash heap of despair, not into the president (binder) hall of fame. Despite all of the positive things he did while in office, the last part of his presidency is what people will remember since it overshadows everything else that he did. America remembers the most recent events, and Nixon falls prey to this tendency.
b)According to biography.com, Nixon is "best known for" his involvement in the Watergate scandal, proving that America remembers the most recent event.
d)I think we check out here
a. History should definitely be kind to him and elevate him to where he deserves to be! As president, Nixon was very productive! He was able to withdraw US troops from Vietnam and he was the first president to meet with communist Russia in Russia to discuss the limitations of strategic nuclear weapons. He opened up trade relations with China which ultimately caused the downfall of the Iron Curtain!
b. Nixon was also a whiz when it came to economics! Nixon presented the only balanced budget between the years of 1961 and 1998. By directing money and power straight to the states, he made program funding more efficient.
c. http://imadork.hubpages.com/hub/Richard-Nixon--The-Progressive-President
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